PitaPata Dog tickers

Friday, 25 October 2013


So, on thursday (24th) I attended a one day grooming course at look north grooming salon. 

It started at 9:00 in the morning by brushing out all of Tommy's
 leg knots so they didn't tighten in the bath.

Next Tommy had to have a bath.
 He hates bathes anyway and had to be shampooed twice.

First he had to be towelled dry
Then dried with the dryer.

After he was dry I had to comb his legs to completely ensure they were knot free.
I had to shave in between his toes which I have done before at YKC camp 2013.

Then he needed his feet scissoring of overhanging hair.
Cutting knots out of his toesies as it
 would have been too painful to brush or comb them.

I had to clip his body with the clippers
 following some lines that she showed me.
He was very relaxed despite the
 noise of the clippers.

I had to "blend" the clipper lines on from where I
 stopped shaving with thinning scissors.
The last thing I did was to trim his claws with
 the guillotine nail clippers.

But the lady who was showing me what to do then plucked his ears with forceps, he had to have his muzzle on to aid grip and as he is a classic schnauzer hating having his ears plucked. I had to hold his legs down and together to stop him trying to stop her. 

Anyway I had lots of fun, learnt lots of useful grooming tips and pointers and I have a much smarter looking and soft boy.