PitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Agility show May 2013 basic update!

On Saturday me and Tommy started competing at the Dog Vegas May 2013 show, today, we came home with 13 firsts out of 15 courses run (one of which we ran clear but lost the time so re-ran and got Eed second time round ) we have also moved up to grade three.
I will post picture and videos of me and my friend running and of our prizes on Sunday when I get home, until then Goodbye.

Sunday 19 May 2013


On saturday me, my Brother and my Mum (we met my Cousin and Uncle) went to BMF, we took Tommy with us and saw 3 other mini schnauzers, a pair of St. Bernards, a few staffies, a few terriers, 1 Labrador and 2 golden retrievers on a stand.

Friday 17 May 2013

New Hoodie!!

Last Sunday I ordered a Hoodie with a zip off a website called yourdesign.co.uk . It arrived today. 
I plan to wear it for competitions and training as it is personalized. 
Left sleeve.

Monday 13 May 2013

Go Right!

Tommy has now learned "Go right" for agility to go over a jump and right out or in. 

 Just in time for the competition! 

Friday 10 May 2013

Our walk across the fields

Today Me, Tommy and Mum went for a walk across a few of the local fields, Tommy had a good run around and we did some trick training and I took a few photos of my Gorgeous Boy. Enjoy! :D

Tuesday 7 May 2013

A walk in the park

Today me and Tommy went for a really nice walk to the local park. Then when we got home I did some agility training in the garden.

Friday 3 May 2013

Tommy is a member of the Miniature Schnauzer Pack!

I've put me and Tommy on a new site called packlove.com
Click here to go to Tommy on Packlove
I have got invite(s) so if you would like to join leave a comment in the box below!