PitaPata Dog tickers

YKC Summer Camp

Me and Alison.
Well camp was..... AWESOME!!!! Met up with Alison and Alex and met Katie with Scooby, who, although he is huge he is very cute. Me and Tommy took our silver GCDS test and passed. Then I took the hands on assessment and passed with full marks(50/50). We were in the advanced agility and obedience so were doing things to work on over the year. In grooming I learnt how to give my schnauzer a proper groom and found that the current groomer we go to isn't very good so I'm hoping to do a grooming course and learn how to groom all of him perfectly. In my one heelwork to music session I taught Tommy how to jump through a leg hoop. In handling we did well, the trainer said she couldn't grumble with how I handled him and in flyball hew did a
Nel, Alex's dog.
 proper run very quickly.
Oh, and we met Ashleigh and pudsey!

We have been featured on the YKC news!! http://www.dogworld.co.uk/story.php/97070/1/are_you_ready?_ykc_summer_camp_is_here!_by_victoria_wilkins the bit that says "Victoria Gleave from Leicester" is about me and the training I'm doing with Tommy at camp in a week.

I have just filled in the forms for this years camp we are going to do; 1 flyball, 1 handling, 1 HTM, 3 obedience, 3 grooming, 3 silver GCDS and 4 agility. I think this year we will do quite well because i have done a lot of work since last year and he now knows a lot more tricks and I know his favourite treats and when he's got bored so to tone down the tricks.

So in the summer holidays Tommy and I went on the YKC summer camp where there were other dogs, lots of treats, and activities for us to do; flyball, agility, obedience, GCDS (bronze), HTM, grooming and dances for the trainers and social groups. I made new friends and due to Tommy's personality I'm sure he helped in that process, I still keep in touch with them. my favourite activity with Tommy would have to be the GCDS because we achieved our bronze good citizen dog scheme but I reckon Tommy's would be agility or flyball as he is a very energetic dog and these channel his energy to earn treats.

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